The third meeting of the Levels of Service Strategic Sharing Group took place on February 1, 2021. The objective was to build on key concepts discussed in previous meetings while gaining a better understanding of the local municipal contexts and unique drivers that are currently influencing levels of service development. This meeting also aimed to lay the foundation for developing successful customer levels of service. Guest experts from Halifax Water; Cathie O’Toole, General Manager and Jamie Hannam, Director of Engineering & Information Services, provided an overview of the Utility’s Corporate Balanced Scorecard and key Organizational Indicators that helped promote employee engagement, foster collaboration, and lay the foundation for developing a culture of levels of service at Halifax Water.

The specific themes that emerged from the group’s discussion were:

  • Key drivers for advancing levels of service targets, including financial sustainability, aligning organizational goals with customer expectations, and affordability.
  • Cross-department collaboration, including employee engagement strategies and creating a culture of levels of service.
  • Generating council and board buy-in for levels of service, including building awareness and understanding, tying levels of service initiatives to council priorities, identifying capital needs, and aligning the corporate purpose with performance and measurement goals.

The agenda, meeting capture and guest presentation are now available in the documents library (see Strategic Sharing Groups – Levels of Service – Meeting 3), as well as on the LoS SSG webpage or can be downloaded here:

Please treat these Strategic Sharing Group documents as confidential and use discretion when sharing with others in your organization.

The next meeting will be held at the end of March. For more information or to join this group, contact Jenessa Doherty, CWN Project Manager at [email protected]