The Canadian Municipal Water Consortium’s new Strategic Sharing Group on accelerating net-zero actions in municipal water management kicked off on March 17, 2022. The objective of the meeting was to gain a better understanding of the challenges and gaps in this space. This was achieved through a structured sharing of responses to key, high-level questions posed by CWN and a case study of Anglian Water’s net-zero by 2030 routemap. The specific themes that emerged from the group’s discussion were:
- Utility-specific frameworks to advance net-zero initiatives
- Including: Conservation programs, demand management plans, climate and energy initiatives, corporate GHG reduction frameworks and carbon budget frameworks.
- Strategies to advance net-zero water
- Including: Conservation and efficiency strategies, renewable energy approaches, prioritization practices and district heating.
- Challenges and barriers to advancing net-zero water
- Including: Siloed decision-making, capital cost of initial investment, risk-aversion, building the business case, generating awareness, and coordination and engagement.
The terms of participation, primer, agenda and meeting capture are now available on the Net-Zero SSG webpage. Please treat these Strategic Sharing Group documents as confidential and use discretion when sharing with others in your organization.
The next meeting will be held in June. For more information or to join this group, contact Jenessa Doherty, Project Manager, at [email protected]