Our new Strategic Sharing Group kicked off on October 1, 2020 with the objective of identifying and understanding key gaps and challenges in advancing levels of service in the context of uncertainty. The specific themes that emerged from the group’s discussion were:

  • Developing and communicating customer levels of service, including public consultation, internal and public messaging, and considerations for different types of customers.
  • Moving levels of service forward and generating public and council buy-in, including sustainability and resiliency, setting appropriate targets, considering short-, medium- and long-term financial planning, and meeting regulatory requirements.
  • Effective use and collection of data to inform level of service development, including data collection, data repositories and using data to inform levels of service.

The terms of participation, agenda and meeting capture are now available in the documents library (see Strategic Sharing Groups – Levels of Service – Meeting 1), as well as on the LoS SSG webpage or downloaded here:

Please treat these Strategic Sharing Group documents as confidential and use discretion when sharing with others in your organization.

The next meeting will be held in early December. For more information or to join this group, contact Jenessa Doherty, Project Manager at [email protected]