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7 02, 2014

Spatial and Temporal Monitoring of Bacterial Loading to the Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer from Agricultural Manure Application

2020-07-14T15:00:32-04:00February 7th, 2014|

The project team, led by Dr. Edwin Cey, focused on understanding the transport of pathogens in the Abbotsford-Sumas aquifer, which is a large shallow groundwater resource that serves as the water supply for more than 100,000 people in Canada and the United States, and has a history of nitrate contamination related to intensive agricultural land [...]

6 02, 2014

Non-point Sources of Pollution, Cumulative Effects and Mitigation in Urban/Rural Fringe Watersheds in the Lower Fraser Valley, B.C

2020-07-14T15:24:55-04:00February 6th, 2014|

The aims of the project were to evaluate the effect of non-point sources of pollution from urban and agricultural sources, to develop new methods to examine cumulative effects on watersheds with a focus on trace metals, pathogens, and antibiotics, and to test innovative methods to reduce ecosystem and human health impacts.

6 02, 2014

Assessment of Regional Water Resource Impacts from Agriculture: A performance-based Approach to Evaluating Risk, Alternative Practices and Economic Implications

2021-06-28T12:08:04-04:00February 6th, 2014|

In order to produce competitive crops, farmers need to use intensive agricultural practices which include the use of pesticides and fertilizers. However, these practices are known to degrade water quality. Water quality degradation resulting from present and past land-use activities has evolved from a topic of concern to a major regulatory issue nationally.

5 02, 2014

Agriculture, Ecology and Urban/Industrial Activities – Cause and Effect Associations in the Occurrence of Waterborne Pathogens

2020-07-14T14:50:58-04:00February 5th, 2014|

Within this project, the researchers sought to investigate pathogen sources at the molecular level through identification of species-specific traits, which would allow potential hosts and reservoirs harboring waterborne pathogens to be identified and provide a measure of human health risks associated with recreational and drinking water.

5 02, 2014

Development of Treatment Wetland Technology for Rural Wastewater Management

2020-07-16T15:20:26-04:00February 5th, 2014|

This research explores technologies and management strategies for cold climate aspects of water treatment wetlands in agriculture and domestic applications. The project addresses the core challenges of developing innovative techniques for storm water and wastewater management and rebuilding small scale and rural infrastructure.

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