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11 04, 2016

Pathogens in Bedrock Aquifers: A detailed study of the presence and transport of pathogens in urbanized settings with private bedrock wells

2016-10-14T12:42:32-04:00April 11th, 2016|

This study evaluated the occurrence of pathogens such as bacteria and human enteric viruses in bedrock aquifers across the country and explored the transport mechanisms that might have led to their presence. The results from this research are relevant for homeowners, public health authorities and provincial regulators.

14 03, 2016

Extending Municipal Water Demand Forecasting Capacities

2016-10-13T17:46:02-04:00March 14th, 2016|

Water suppliers run the risk of overestimating future demands unless they account for households' responsiveness to price changes and conservation measures. With the BROCKWATER program, planners working for small and medium size municipal water agencies have the capacity to account for households' behaviour when making water demand projections.

25 02, 2016

Tapping Into Consumers’ Perceptions of Health Risks in Municipal Water Supplies

2016-10-18T14:58:38-04:00February 25th, 2016|

Municipal drinking water systems in Canada undergo rigorous and frequent water quality testing and deliver high quality tap water to consumers. However, experts estimate that Canadians spend approximately $590 million a year on bottled water. This project tracked consumer perceptions of water quality and consumption choices in the Canadian context and examined trends over time [...]

4 12, 2015

Comprehensive Report: Options for Improved Nutrient Removal and Recovery from Municipal Wastewater in the Canadian Context

2016-10-13T16:04:19-04:00December 4th, 2015|

This comprehensive report is a synthesis of both a literature review and the results of a stakeholder survey. The review is an analysis of the available academic, technical, trade, and ‘grey’ literature on nutrient removal and recovery and will help characterize drivers of the wastewater treatment industry such as policies, climate, and existing infrastructure. The [...]

9 11, 2015

Membrane Processes: Advancements for Drinking Water Treatment

2016-10-14T12:30:26-04:00November 9th, 2015|

This research was conducted with the overall goal of improving membrane performance for drinking water treatment in Canadian utilities and focused on two main themes:
fouling abatement strategies (identifying and targeting specific fractions of organic matter present in surface waters that cause fouling of membranes) and integrating membranes with established yet complementary technologies prior to [...]

30 10, 2015

Running Through Our Fingers: How Canada fails to capture the value of its top asset

2016-10-18T14:54:26-04:00October 30th, 2015|

When the federal government undertook an inquiry about water in 1985, economist Andrew Muller attempted to find out. He came up with an estimate of between $7.5 and $23 billion. Running Through Our Fingers is an attempt by Steven Renzetti and Diane Dupont — two of Canada’s best environmental economists, to revisit Muller’s analysis and [...]

30 10, 2015

Canada as the Water Solutions Country: Defining the Opportunities

2016-11-02T18:28:55-04:00October 30th, 2015|

This paper is designed to help frame and meaningfully advance a national conversation around Canada’s opportunities to become a global leader in water sustainability and innovation. This includes the development and application of water-related “resources” – knowledge, business skills and ingenuity – to implement a winning strategy with respect to best management and use of [...]

30 10, 2015

Blue City: The Water Sustainable City of the Near Future

2018-10-25T19:57:04-04:00October 30th, 2015|

This report is intended to help practitioners and decision makers build a business case for advanced and integrated water management. The content is based on interviews with 17 subject matter experts and thought leaders. Together, they defined a common vision, shared innovations in their unique and diverse disciplines, and suggested cross-cutting business case considerations.

19 08, 2015

Assessment of the Potential Risks of Applying Municipal Biosolids to Agricultural Land in Canada

2016-10-12T18:21:07-04:00August 19th, 2015|

Land application is one of the most common end destinations for biosolids, and the only one that allows for the beneficial reuse of its nutrients. Although current regulations and agricultural management practices are generally considered to be protective of human and environmental health, the detection of an increasing number of ESOCs in biosolids and the [...]

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