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15 04, 2016

Understanding and optimizing the performance of municipal waste stabilization ponds in the far North

2016-10-18T15:04:01-04:00April 15th, 2016|

Wastewater management in Canada’s Far North is challenging for many reasons: extreme cold climate, permafrost, short summers, remote locations, smaller populations and a shortage of skilled operators. Because of this, many communities use passive technologies like waste stabilization ponds — exclusively, or in combination with a wetland treatment area. This research examines existing treatment performance [...]

19 08, 2015

Assessment of the Potential Risks of Applying Municipal Biosolids to Agricultural Land in Canada

2016-10-12T18:21:07-04:00August 19th, 2015|

Land application is one of the most common end destinations for biosolids, and the only one that allows for the beneficial reuse of its nutrients. Although current regulations and agricultural management practices are generally considered to be protective of human and environmental health, the detection of an increasing number of ESOCs in biosolids and the [...]

13 07, 2015

2015 Canadian Municipal Water Priorities Report

2016-10-12T17:41:34-04:00July 13th, 2015|

Canadian Water Network's Canadian Municipal Water Consortium (CMWC) takes a deeper look into national priorities in the 2015 Canadian Municipal Water Priorities Report. Last year's inaugural Canadian Municipal Water Priorities report set the stage for the initiatives of the CMWC. The CMWC's Leadership Group (CLG) identified four priority areas within the themes of integrated risk [...]

10 07, 2015

Assessing the Impacts on Aquatic Organisms Exposed to Emerging Contaminants in Wastewater Discharges

2016-10-12T18:05:40-04:00July 10th, 2015|

Raw domestic wastewater or sewage contains a mix of various chemicals from products that are part of our everyday life, such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, low sugar foods, domestic products, illicit drugs and natural hormones. Scientific studies have proven that these chemicals are not efficiently removed by conventional technologies in wastewater treatment plants, but [...]

9 07, 2015

Emerging Contaminant Removal in Wastewater Treatment Trains Under Canadian Conditions

2016-10-13T17:48:34-04:00July 9th, 2015|

This nation-wide project expands our knowledge on the removal of Emerging Contaminants in common Canadian wastewater treatment processes over a range of climatic and seasonal conditions. A significant contribution of this work is the concurrent analysis of a suite of aquatic toxicological endpoints, ranging from gene expression to whole organism responses.

27 04, 2015

Identifying and Prioritizing Municipal Wastewater and Biosolids Research Needs

2016-10-13T19:04:18-04:00April 27th, 2015|

In response to developing the Canada-wide Strategy for the Management of Municipal Wastewater Effluent and the Canada-wide Approach for the Management of Wastewater Biosolids, both the Municipal Wastewater Effluent Coordinating Committee (MWWE CC) and the Biosolids Task Group (BTG) of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) identified a need for better national [...]

27 04, 2015

National Research Agenda for Municipal Wastewater and Biosolids – Outcome Report

2016-10-13T19:17:26-04:00April 27th, 2015|

This report documents the evolution to date of the “National Research Agenda for Municipal Wastewater and Biosolids (the Agenda)”, which was developed jointly by the Canadian Water Network (CWN), Environment Canada, and the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association in 2012. The desired outcome of the Agenda was to: generate and prioritize, through research and consultation, [...]

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