The summary of insights is now available for the Levels of Service Strategic Sharing Group. This strategic sharing group consisted of representatives from approximately 12 municipalities/utilities across Canada. The group met over the course of eight meetings from October 2020 to January 2022 and discussed a range of topics relating to challenges and progress in advancing levels of service in the context of uncertainty. A range of guest speakers from within the municipalities represented, as well as external invited experts, shared their insights.

The overarching themes that emerged during the Strategic Sharing Group related to:

  1. Cross-departmental and cross-sectoral collaboration, coordination and internal engagement.
  2. Customer, public, council and board awareness and engagement.
  3. Data collection, storage, tracking, management, accessibility and use.
  4. Water equity and affordability.
  5. Sustainably financing levels of service.

A copy of the summary of insights is available here.

As a reminder, the summary of insights can be shared more broadly. However, please treat the more detailed Strategic Sharing Group meeting materials as confidential and use discretion when sharing with others in your organization.

More information about the Levels of Service Strategic Sharing Group is available here.

If you have questions about this and other Strategic Sharing Groups, contact Sandra Cooke at [email protected]