We are thrilled to launch CWN’s new strategic plan for 2024 to 2029. This plan is designed to help us facilitate cross-sector collaboration to address water challenges and opportunities that affect our communities, health and climate.
Key highlights of the plan
Three program areas
Water and Communities

Our water and communities program helps leaders make more informed decisions about providing safe drinking water, wastewater and stormwater services.
Water and Health

Our water and health program aims to protect our health from water-related risks and promote health through proactive solutions.
Water and Climate

Our water and climate program helps communities and water-reliant economic sectors find solutions that increase climate resilience and minimize GHG emissions.
Our approach
Solving complex water issues takes a collective effort from diverse sectors and disciplines. Here’s how we do it:
- Understand the (eco)system: We start by getting to know the key players – the leaders, decision-makers, experts and end-users.
- Identify needs: We listen and learn to pinpoint what’s needed.
- Build and support networks: With insights from key players, we connect the right people and organizations.
- Share knowledge: We host forums for learning and discussion. These forums bring in a range of expertise, including scientific, community and Indigenous perspectives.
- Build consensus and facilitate collaboration: We work with leaders and partners to arrive at a shared understanding of what it will take to address water challenges. We also collaborate on sustainable solutions.
- Accelerate action: Our ultimate goal is to empower decision-makers to act swiftly and effectively on water-related issues.