#CWNSYP Webinar – Working & Communicating with Community Partners
March 14, 2019 @ 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Co-hosted with forWater Network SYP
This webinar will explore best practices and lessons learned in building and maintaining relationships with community partners. Particularly for knowledge producers in academia and beyond, enhanced partner engagement and tailored communication are critical to this process. Learn about various techniques for effective working relationships, then dive deeper with key tips for communications outreach, focusing on poster design. In just one hour, you’ll gain some great insights on how to ensure success when co-designing and co-generating research, as well as refine skills for sharing the results with others. With this webinar, knowledge producers will be empowered to work effectively with partners and further research applications.
About the Speakers
Peter Duinker is a Professor in the School for Resource and Environmental Studies at Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Management, and President and Co-Principal in the consulting firm Sylveritas Ltd. He teaches and researches a wide range of topics and is one of Canada’s leading scholars and practitioners on the topic of sustainable forest management. He held Lakehead University’s Chair in Forest Management and Policy from 1988 to 1998, served as Research Area Leader for the Sustainable Forest Management Network of Centres of Excellence from 2000 to 2009, and was member and chair of the CSA Sustainable Forest Management Technical Committee from 2000 to 2015. Peter has worked closely with governments, companies, and NGOs across Canada on issues related to sustainable forest management and policy.
Allie Dusome is the Communications Officer at the University of Waterloo’s Water Institute, and is responsible for strategic communications planning, knowledge dissemination and outreach to the key audiences that the Water Institute seeks to influence. Allie supports communication efforts for research projects at Waterloo, including Global Water Futures and the forWater Network, as well as the University of Waterloo’s Collaborative Water Program. Allie has multiple years of experience working with University of Waterloo professors and graduate students, helping to transfer and share knowledge about their research in an impactful way.
Dani Lindamood is the Knowledge Mobilization Manager at forWater Network, working to maximize research impacts and support network partners. She has engaged in sustainability-related work around the world, and holds a Masters of Environmental Management from the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development at the University of Waterloo. Her other credentials include a certificate in collaborative water resource management, experience working with academic and social enterprises in the water sector, facilitation training and a science communications background. Dani is passionate about the water sector is the co-founder of “Girls Gone Water,” a platform that helps people cultivate a connection to the natural world using water and storytelling.