Agriculture and Water

22 12, 2023

Climate impacts, water availability and agricultural activity in the Prairies: Implications for water supply, crop yields and water allocation

2024-05-21T19:19:55-04:00December 22nd, 2023|

Canadian Water Network (CWN), in partnership with the Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative (PARC) at the University of Regina and ClimateWest, is undertaking a project to understand the impact of climate change on water availability across the Canadian Prairies. Thanks to the generous support of RBC’s Tech for Nature grant, the project will inform adaptation approaches [...]

31 03, 2018

Nutrient Management and Water Resources: An Updated Framing for More Effective Research Access

2020-06-17T20:28:38-04:00March 31st, 2018|

Harmful algal blooms, fed by excess nutrients in the water, are a pressing environmental, economic and public health concern in water bodies across Canada. Government organizations on both sides of the Canada-US border are responsible for setting goals, overseeing implementation and monitoring, and evaluating outcomes of nutrient management. Decisions need to be made, and a [...]

31 03, 2018

Examining the Efficacy of Nutrient Management Practices for Agricultural Landscapes

2020-06-18T13:50:24-04:00March 31st, 2018|

Effectively managing nutrient losses from agricultural lands is critical for protecting water quality, and is a core focus in regions like the western basin of Lake Erie (Canada-Ontario Lake Erie Action Plan, 2018). With financial support from Ontario’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, CWN led a project to provide an updated synthesis of [...]

18 02, 2014

Holistic Assessment of the Factors Important for the Maintenance and Restoration of Rivers in Agricultural Watersheds

2020-07-13T15:48:10-04:00February 18th, 2014|

This research produced knowledge for both industry and the public, to inform decision-making including barriers to action and specific land use activities that contribute to water quality decline. It also provides a set of practical recommendations that can improve the state of the river from an ecological, hydrological and societal stand point and inform judgements [...]

6 02, 2014

Impacts of Manure Management Practices on Regional Water Resources: Priority Areas, Alternative Management Approaches, Economic Implications

2020-07-14T15:02:50-04:00February 6th, 2014|

The aim of this project was to combine expertise in physical and contaminant hydrogeology, soil physics, aqueous geochemistry and numerical modelling with economics to assess the environmental threat related to contaminant release pathways on livestock farms and to examine the performance and cost effectiveness of alternative management practices.

6 02, 2014

Assessment of Regional Water Resource Impacts from Agriculture: A performance-based Approach to Evaluating Risk, Alternative Practices and Economic Implications

2021-06-28T12:08:04-04:00February 6th, 2014|

In order to produce competitive crops, farmers need to use intensive agricultural practices which include the use of pesticides and fertilizers. However, these practices are known to degrade water quality. Water quality degradation resulting from present and past land-use activities has evolved from a topic of concern to a major regulatory issue nationally.

5 02, 2014

Development of Treatment Wetland Technology for Rural Wastewater Management

2020-07-16T15:20:26-04:00February 5th, 2014|

This research explores technologies and management strategies for cold climate aspects of water treatment wetlands in agriculture and domestic applications. The project addresses the core challenges of developing innovative techniques for storm water and wastewater management and rebuilding small scale and rural infrastructure.

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