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Agriculture and Water

13 01, 2014

Assessing the Risk from Microbial Contaminants within the Two-year Wellhead Protection Area of a Municipal Well Field in an Agricultural Setting

2020-07-16T17:56:05-04:00January 13th, 2014|

The overall objective of this project was to enhance the understanding of conditions that control the occurrence and mobility of microbes in regional groundwater systems by conducting detailed spatial and temporal monitoring of selected indicator species near a vulnerable municipal groundwater supply system.

10 01, 2014

Options and Innovations for Non-point Sources of Pollution Prevention and Water Resources Management in the Lower Fraser Valley

2016-10-11T15:37:13-04:00January 10th, 2014|

This research used a combination of techniques to determine contaminant loadings for the 30 sub-watersheds that contribute to the Lower Fraser Valley. It addressed the challenge of scaling up from sub-watersheds to watersheds, connecting land use to water quality data using GIS, nutrient budgets, modelling, hydrometric and stream monitoring data.

10 01, 2014

Advanced Water Supply Management for Rural Distribution Systems

2020-07-20T16:54:54-04:00January 10th, 2014|

Small-scale rural distribution systems which face the challenge of magnification, have attracted much interest in past years. Challenges facing these systems are diverse, and all incorporate the following aspects: energy optimization in system operation and design; reliable fault and leakage detection; water quality monitoring and control; pricing and economics of water supply; and governing policies [...]

7 01, 2014

Towards economic and environmental sustainability in agriculture through the implementation of combined beneficial management practices and remedial approaches designed to minimize impacts to water quality

2020-06-24T20:21:11-04:00January 7th, 2014|

This project provides information on the performance and socio-economic implications of Best Management Practices. It also developed strategies to remediate impacts from regional-scale application of nutrients on land, with an emphasis on the magnitude and timing of potential reductions in impacts to groundwater quality.

23 12, 2013

Influence of Dynamic Hydrology on Groundwater Source Security

2021-06-18T15:15:55-04:00December 23rd, 2013|

The project aims to advance understanding in three aspects of groundwater source protection — (1) assessment of aquifer and well vulnerability, (2) assessment of beneficial management practices designed to preserve water quality, specifically in agricultural settings, and (3) economic evaluation of scenarios available to municipal authorities charged with managing water resources.

15 11, 2013

Land Application of Municipal Biosolids: Assessment of Ecological Impacts and Characterization of Priority Emerging Substances of Concerns (ESOCs)

2021-06-29T09:27:19-04:00November 15th, 2013|

The interdisciplinary project team will provide the most comprehensive investigation to date on the impacts of municipal biosolids land application on living organisms. This proposed research addresses the critical question: does the presence of biosolids on agricultural land equal adverse environmental impacts?

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