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4 09, 2016

Incenting Green Infrastructure for Storm Water Management: Knowledge Mobilization for Canadian Communities

2019-06-13T19:27:41-04:00September 4th, 2016|

This overall objective of this project was to moderate the impacts of urban run-off and extreme storm events through green infrastructure on private lands through “user pay” models and other incentives. Approaches like these will reduce the demand for grey stormwater infrastructure and generate a dedicated source of funds for maintenance, renewal and expansion.

13 01, 2015

Water Infrastructure: Long-term Supply, Demand Management and Planning

2021-06-29T10:33:56-04:00January 13th, 2015|

Effective urban water management is vital for life and livelihood. Urban water supply and removal systems serve many critical functions, from that of health-support system to economic engine. Yet, when operating smoothly, their presence often goes unnoticed. Major disruptions, while dramatic and costly, are rare. Rather, it is the day-to-day system operations that produce the [...]

6 02, 2014

Non-point Sources of Pollution, Cumulative Effects and Mitigation in Urban/Rural Fringe Watersheds in the Lower Fraser Valley, B.C

2020-07-14T15:24:55-04:00February 6th, 2014|

The aims of the project were to evaluate the effect of non-point sources of pollution from urban and agricultural sources, to develop new methods to examine cumulative effects on watersheds with a focus on trace metals, pathogens, and antibiotics, and to test innovative methods to reduce ecosystem and human health impacts.

10 01, 2014

Options and Innovations for Non-point Sources of Pollution Prevention and Water Resources Management in the Lower Fraser Valley

2016-10-11T15:37:13-04:00January 10th, 2014|

This research used a combination of techniques to determine contaminant loadings for the 30 sub-watersheds that contribute to the Lower Fraser Valley. It addressed the challenge of scaling up from sub-watersheds to watersheds, connecting land use to water quality data using GIS, nutrient budgets, modelling, hydrometric and stream monitoring data.

9 01, 2014

Innovative Stormwater Management

2020-06-24T20:09:09-04:00January 9th, 2014|

This project examined a wide range of innovative approaches to storm water management in Canada in order to provide planners, developer and municipal engineers with information on storm water management through a series of workshops.

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