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24 10, 2019

A Screening Approach to Assess the Impacts of Municipal Wastewaters on Aquatic Systems

2020-06-17T20:10:58-04:00October 24th, 2019|

In 2013, Canadian Water Network and the Water Environment Research Foundation convened an expert workshop to compile and prioritize a suite of elements that would be effective in assessing endocrine system impacts on fish as a direct result of exposure to contaminants in municipal wastewaters. CWN subsequently funded three studies in Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec [...]

1 05, 2018

Canada’s Challenges and Opportunities to Address Contaminants in Wastewater

2020-10-20T14:11:33-04:00May 1st, 2018|

Effective management of our wastewater is critical for Canadians across the country. Moving forward, we must consider how to make strategic investments that maximize the benefits to society and the environment, and prepare our wastewater systems to address the uncertainties of the future. From October 2017 to March 2018, Canadian Water Network led a national [...]

31 03, 2018

Nutrient Management and Water Resources: An Updated Framing for More Effective Research Access

2020-06-17T20:28:38-04:00March 31st, 2018|

Harmful algal blooms, fed by excess nutrients in the water, are a pressing environmental, economic and public health concern in water bodies across Canada. Government organizations on both sides of the Canada-US border are responsible for setting goals, overseeing implementation and monitoring, and evaluating outcomes of nutrient management. Decisions need to be made, and a [...]

31 03, 2018

Assessing the Adequacy of Urban Nutrient Load Measurements

2020-06-17T20:34:00-04:00March 31st, 2018|

Estimates of nutrient loadings to water bodies from municipal sources are typically calculated using point measurements of nutrient concentrations and known discharge rates. However, some uncertainty in load estimates is inevitable, and it is unclear how well nutrient monitoring methods typically used in Canada support decision making by watershed managers. With financial support from Environment [...]

31 03, 2018

Examining the Efficacy of Nutrient Management Practices for Agricultural Landscapes

2020-06-18T13:50:24-04:00March 31st, 2018|

Effectively managing nutrient losses from agricultural lands is critical for protecting water quality, and is a core focus in regions like the western basin of Lake Erie (Canada-Ontario Lake Erie Action Plan, 2018). With financial support from Ontario’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, CWN led a project to provide an updated synthesis of [...]

26 12, 2017

Long-term Chronic Impacts of Urban Wastewater and Stormwater on Freshwater Systems

2019-06-12T13:42:06-04:00December 26th, 2017|

Steadily increasing regulations and changing practices are gradually improving the quality of urban wastewater. By contrast, fewer controls or regulations deal with non-point-source discharges or effluent exceedances such as those that occur during extreme weather. With financial support from Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Water Network led a project to examine the state-of-the-knowledge on [...]

1 11, 2017

Canadian Watershed Research Consortium

2020-11-04T19:41:44-05:00November 1st, 2017|

Canadian Water Network launched the Canadian Watershed Research Consortium in 2010 with representatives from six watershed-based groups across Canada. Each node brought together diverse groups of local stakeholders and decision makers with teams of leading Canadian water researchers to develop regional monitoring frameworks that could inform decision making for Cumulative Effects Assessment and watershed management.

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