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Cumulative Effects

2 11, 2017

Nutrient Management Research Insights for Decision Makers

2018-10-26T19:01:09-04:00November 2nd, 2017|

Canadian Water Network convened an expert workshop to update Canada’s conceptual model of nutrient source and transport. The experts’ discussion, as well as the research cited, informed the insights that are presented in this white paper, which has been written to support those who make decisions about nutrient management actions.

21 09, 2017

Cumulative Impacts Assessment in the Northumberland Strait

2018-11-09T21:23:10-05:00September 21st, 2017|

Public concern about the environmental health of the Northumberland Strait developed
around the time of construction of the Confederation Bridge, when significant declines in fishery yields of lobster, rock crab, scallops and herring were being reported. The Northumberland Strait Environmental Monitoring Partnership was created to improve cumulative effects assessment in the region and facilitate collaborative [...]

21 09, 2017

Monitoring and Cumulative Effects Assessment of the Grand River

2018-11-09T21:23:24-05:00September 21st, 2017|

The Grand River is a large watershed in southern Ontario that drains into eastern Lake Erie. This project focused on understanding natural variability of the watershed and the relationships among biological, physical and chemical processes. Researchers investigated nutrient inputs, oxygen dynamics, community composition and function of macroinvertebrates, as well as fish population level and individual [...]

21 09, 2017

Cumulative Effects Monitoring in the Tobacco Creek Watershed

2018-11-09T21:23:46-05:00September 21st, 2017|

The results of this research are being used to assess the effects of existing and future best management practices (BMPs) implemented within the Tobacco Creek watershed, to inform the design of monitoring programs for hydrology, aquatic chemistry, and biotic integrity, and to support management decisions aimed at remediating and protecting Lake Winnipeg and other prairie [...]

21 09, 2017

Slave Watershed Environmental Effects Program

2018-11-09T21:23:56-05:00September 21st, 2017|

In 2010, the Slave River and Delta Partnership (SRDP) was formed to address the changes people were noticing in their environments and in harvested foods from the watershed. In 2011, community members worked with Paul Jones from the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) to collect fish samples to analyze fish health in the Slave [...]

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