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Drinking Water

13 07, 2015

2015 Canadian Municipal Water Priorities Report

2016-10-12T17:41:34-04:00July 13th, 2015|

Canadian Water Network's Canadian Municipal Water Consortium (CMWC) takes a deeper look into national priorities in the 2015 Canadian Municipal Water Priorities Report. Last year's inaugural Canadian Municipal Water Priorities report set the stage for the initiatives of the CMWC. The CMWC's Leadership Group (CLG) identified four priority areas within the themes of integrated risk [...]

10 07, 2015

Assessment of Health Risks Associated with Viruses in Groundwater Supplies

2016-10-12T18:19:33-04:00July 10th, 2015|

Knowledge about the occurrence of microbial contaminants in groundwater is essential when assessing public health risks. Between 1974 and 2001, human enteric viruses (primarily Norwalk and Hepatitis A) were responsible for at least 24 public health outbreaks in Canada. There are a large number of Canadian municipalities that rely on groundwater as their source of [...]

1 06, 2015

Water Infrastructure: Long Term Supply, Demand Management and Planning

2016-08-23T20:19:58-04:00June 1st, 2015|

A great deal of Canada’s water infrastructure was built in the 20th century, when urban areas were emerging, economic development was the main objective and abundant water was a requirement for growth. A shortage of water was an impediment to progress, rather than an obvious indicator of natural limits. Given this context, it is not [...]

15 05, 2015

Lead in Tap Water: Assessing Consumer Exposure and Identifying Corrective Actions

2016-10-13T19:22:50-04:00May 15th, 2015|

Municipalities must take actions to detect problematic sites for lead in tap water and implement corrective measures to prevent exposure. This research investigated key aspects of managing lead in tap water: identifying high risk sites, evaluating water lead levels and exposure in children, and investigating the best corrective actions.

24 04, 2015

2014 Canadian Municipal Water Priorities Report

2016-10-12T17:40:52-04:00April 24th, 2015|

Canadian communities are facing challenges – due to growth, increasing urbanization, financial constraints, climate change and more. What information do water managers and decision-makers need to keep their cities healthy and safe?

Canadian Water Network’s Municipal Consortium Leadership Group – a proactive group of municipal water leaders from across Canada – have joined [...]

17 04, 2015

Priority Issues for Municipal Water Management – Workshop Report

2016-10-14T12:44:37-04:00April 17th, 2015|

Canadian Water Network, through its Canadian Municipal Water Consortium (CMWC), has been working to identify key municipal water management priorities as defined by those working in the municipal sector. Within those identified priority areas, the CWMC seeks to provide the critical knowledge and research needed to support decisions and, importantly, to clarify the implications of [...]

6 04, 2015

Arsenic in Canadian Drinking Water

2016-10-12T17:56:59-04:00April 6th, 2015|

The events in North Battleford, Saskatchewan and Walkerton, Ontario have increased awareness of water quality issues in Canada. Knowing what is in our drinking water is important for health and environmental reasons. Canadians need pertinent water quality information that is easily accessible, of high quality, and available in a timely manner.

6 04, 2015

Drinking Water Safety Plans

2016-10-13T17:44:17-04:00April 6th, 2015|

Everyone wants to know that their tap water is safe to drink, however, risk will always be present in a complex system, and water treatment and delivery is no exception. Through sound management, risk can be controlled and reduced so that consumers can drink their tap water with confidence.

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