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Energy and Resources

10 07, 2017

Cumulative Effects Assessment and Monitoring in the Muskoka Watershed

2018-10-29T00:42:49-04:00July 10th, 2017|

Monitoring is an important component of managing lakes within the Muskoka River Watershed because it provides information about lake conditions over time. This monitoring enables managers to evaluate whether human activities are adversely affecting the physical, chemical and biological quality of a lake.

15 06, 2017

2015 Water and Hydraulic Fracturing Report

2018-10-30T12:54:16-04:00June 15th, 2017|

The 2015 Water and Hydraulic Fracturing report takes a high-level look at where the knowledge base is relative to the key questions being asked. The report highlights the critical work done to assess the state of the knowledge relative to decision-making; where its lack is most impacting progress; and the capacity to advance knowledge priorities [...]

2 10, 2015

Development of a Water Safety Framework for Watershed and Water Demand Governance and Management Approaches Related to Hydraulic Fracturing

2020-06-15T18:11:12-04:00October 2nd, 2015|

This report addresses watershed governance and management approaches for resource development relating to water use and demand management, including First Nations, Inuit and Metis issues. Click on the button below for an executive summary of the report. For the complete report, please email: [email protected] or visit

23 04, 2015

Assessing Cumulative Effects of Canadian Waters

2016-10-12T17:59:47-04:00April 23rd, 2015|

Historically in Canada, cumulative effects assessment (CEA) was conducted through federal and provincial Environmental Impact Assessment processes by industry proponents applying for approval for a project development. However, the methodology for CEA failed to produce the intended outcomes – i.e., monitoring, tracking and predicting accumulating environmental change relative to limits.

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