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14 03, 2016

Building Capacity for Success: Towards watershed governance in British Columbia and beyond

2016-10-12T18:32:45-04:00March 14th, 2016|

With increasing pressures of population growth, pollution, and a changing climate, freshwater must be governed in new ways. This project focused on both identifying and beginning to address the key needs of government, rights holders, and stakeholders to help support the implementation of watershed-based decision-making across the country.

9 11, 2015

Canadian Water Security Assessment Framework: Tools for assessing watershed security and improving watershed governance

2016-10-13T15:57:15-04:00November 9th, 2015|

A team of researchers from eight Canadian universities worked together with twenty project partners (including two case study communities), to develop six practical tools that enable communities to assess water and manage water security. These tools can be used independently or applied in combination, depending on the needs and resources of the community.

30 10, 2015

Running Through Our Fingers: How Canada fails to capture the value of its top asset

2016-10-18T14:54:26-04:00October 30th, 2015|

When the federal government undertook an inquiry about water in 1985, economist Andrew Muller attempted to find out. He came up with an estimate of between $7.5 and $23 billion. Running Through Our Fingers is an attempt by Steven Renzetti and Diane Dupont — two of Canada’s best environmental economists, to revisit Muller’s analysis and [...]

22 05, 2015

Using Knowledge Co-Production To Improve Collaborative Approaches to Governance for Water

2016-10-18T15:11:22-04:00May 22nd, 2015|

In communities across the country, Canadians are searching for innovative ways to deal with shared water challenges and opportunities. These are numerous and include protecting sources of drinking water, supporting existing and new economic activities that use water, providing safe water for human consumption, sharing water during times of scarcity, and ensuring that water is [...]

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