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Value of Water

14 09, 2016

Valuing Water Quality Changes Within a Water Quality Ladder Framework

2018-10-25T19:54:30-04:00September 14th, 2016|

This project looked at how to convert a proposal’s expected impacts on water quality into information about changes in economic values. Academic researchers in the fields of biology and economics were brought together with government staff to co-create new forms of knowledge. The goal was to develop a flexible, computer-based model that could be used [...]

14 03, 2016

Extending Municipal Water Demand Forecasting Capacities

2016-10-13T17:46:02-04:00March 14th, 2016|

Water suppliers run the risk of overestimating future demands unless they account for households' responsiveness to price changes and conservation measures. With the BROCKWATER program, planners working for small and medium size municipal water agencies have the capacity to account for households' behaviour when making water demand projections.

25 02, 2016

Tapping Into Consumers’ Perceptions of Health Risks in Municipal Water Supplies

2016-10-18T14:58:38-04:00February 25th, 2016|

Municipal drinking water systems in Canada undergo rigorous and frequent water quality testing and deliver high quality tap water to consumers. However, experts estimate that Canadians spend approximately $590 million a year on bottled water. This project tracked consumer perceptions of water quality and consumption choices in the Canadian context and examined trends over time [...]

30 10, 2015

Canada as the Water Solutions Country: Defining the Opportunities

2016-11-02T18:28:55-04:00October 30th, 2015|

This paper is designed to help frame and meaningfully advance a national conversation around Canada’s opportunities to become a global leader in water sustainability and innovation. This includes the development and application of water-related “resources” – knowledge, business skills and ingenuity – to implement a winning strategy with respect to best management and use of [...]

13 07, 2015

2015 Canadian Municipal Water Priorities Report

2016-10-12T17:41:34-04:00July 13th, 2015|

Canadian Water Network's Canadian Municipal Water Consortium (CMWC) takes a deeper look into national priorities in the 2015 Canadian Municipal Water Priorities Report. Last year's inaugural Canadian Municipal Water Priorities report set the stage for the initiatives of the CMWC. The CMWC's Leadership Group (CLG) identified four priority areas within the themes of integrated risk [...]

24 04, 2015

2014 Canadian Municipal Water Priorities Report

2016-10-12T17:40:52-04:00April 24th, 2015|

Canadian communities are facing challenges – due to growth, increasing urbanization, financial constraints, climate change and more. What information do water managers and decision-makers need to keep their cities healthy and safe?

Canadian Water Network’s Municipal Consortium Leadership Group – a proactive group of municipal water leaders from across Canada – have joined [...]

17 04, 2015

Priority Issues for Municipal Water Management – Workshop Report

2016-10-14T12:44:37-04:00April 17th, 2015|

Canadian Water Network, through its Canadian Municipal Water Consortium (CMWC), has been working to identify key municipal water management priorities as defined by those working in the municipal sector. Within those identified priority areas, the CWMC seeks to provide the critical knowledge and research needed to support decisions and, importantly, to clarify the implications of [...]

6 04, 2015

Know Your Customer: Canadian Households and Water

2016-10-13T19:20:15-04:00April 6th, 2015|

The goal of this research brings to bear the tools of economic analysis in order to learn about the nature of Canadian households’ attitudes towards water and in turn, using this knowledge to assist public agencies entrusted with the delivery of water in meeting the significant challenges they face currently and in the future.

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