City of Regina's evolution from short-term to long-term financial sustainability

Key insights
- Utility modelling and planning for long-term financial sustainability is an iterative, collaborative process that requires continual reviews and improvements.
- The capital investment planning (CIP) process and multi-criteria prioritization tool, as well as Master Plans, have helped the City of Regina to improve its approach to assessing needs and projecting costs. This allows the city to sustain levels of service for the community and stabilize rates.
- As a result of the improvements made in capital planning, administration is better equipped to make the case for the capital investment plan and to prepare for the potential impacts of changes to the plan if funding is reduced. Council also has an improved understanding of the utility financial forecast as a result.
- Water affordability programs support low-income households with senior citizens or people living with disabilities. They do this by applying rebates to water bills and providing vouchers to purchase water efficiency audits and high-efficiency water fixtures.