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10 07, 2015

Assessment of Health Risks Associated with Viruses in Groundwater Supplies

2016-10-12T18:19:33-04:00July 10th, 2015|

Knowledge about the occurrence of microbial contaminants in groundwater is essential when assessing public health risks. Between 1974 and 2001, human enteric viruses (primarily Norwalk and Hepatitis A) were responsible for at least 24 public health outbreaks in Canada. There are a large number of Canadian municipalities that rely on groundwater as their source of [...]

19 05, 2015

Towards Sustainable Groundwater Management in the Agricultural Landscape

2016-10-19T20:16:05-04:00May 19th, 2015|

Agriculture accounts for over 70% of freshwater withdrawals globally. As world demand for food increases, freshwater demands will also continue to increase. Agriculture is a major industry in many countries, including Canada, and economic competitiveness involves the appropriate use of agrochemicals. However, long-term use of fertilizers has resulted in the degradation of both surface water [...]

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