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18 02, 2014

Holistic Assessment of the Factors Important for the Maintenance and Restoration of Rivers in Agricultural Watersheds

2020-07-13T15:48:10-04:00February 18th, 2014|

This research produced knowledge for both industry and the public, to inform decision-making including barriers to action and specific land use activities that contribute to water quality decline. It also provides a set of practical recommendations that can improve the state of the river from an ecological, hydrological and societal stand point and inform judgements [...]

18 02, 2014

Multiple Objective and Multiple Stakeholder Decision Making in Water Resources Management

2020-07-13T16:40:30-04:00February 18th, 2014|

This research team developed a range of decision making tools to respond to multi-stakeholder projects from an interdisciplinary perspective. They looked at a range of issues, from drinking water contamination to international bulk water exports. Specifically, formal decision making techniques were created using a systems engineering approach.

6 02, 2014

Governance and Policy Making for the Great Lakes

2020-07-16T14:39:24-04:00February 6th, 2014|

The project looked at issues related to the effectiveness of policy and governance of institutions in the Great Lakes Basin. The research developed key studies of the structure and operations of the governance regimes within the region, and provided recommendations for reform including stakeholder input.

10 01, 2014

Enhancing Water Security in Canada

2016-10-11T15:20:15-04:00January 10th, 2014|

The goal of the project was to enhance water security in Canada by developing, promoting and implementing innovative ways to identify, manage and mitigate threats to water quality and quantity.

10 01, 2014

Advanced Water Supply Management for Rural Distribution Systems

2020-07-20T16:54:54-04:00January 10th, 2014|

Small-scale rural distribution systems which face the challenge of magnification, have attracted much interest in past years. Challenges facing these systems are diverse, and all incorporate the following aspects: energy optimization in system operation and design; reliable fault and leakage detection; water quality monitoring and control; pricing and economics of water supply; and governing policies [...]

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